Navilas® at Euretina 2019: Navigated retinal laser therapy - a unique and effective treatment platform
At the EURETINA Congress in Paris, specialists report on clinical experiences with a unique computer-assisted treatment of the retina for fast panretinal photocoagulation and easy to control subthreshold laser therapy
Clinical experiences with a unique and effective digital treatment platform for the retina are presented this week to a professional audience at the EURETINA Congress in Paris. Navigated, retinal laser therapy with the Navilas® 577s allows for panretinal photocoagulation with uniform spot distribution which is faster and less painful for patients than PRP treatment with conventional slit-lamp lasers1,2. While tissue-friendly subthreshold treatments with navigated laser are easy to control thanks to a unique confluent delivery method and digital documentation.
Users report on clinical outcomes of treatment with the Navilas® 577s laser in the EURETINA Satellite Meeting on Friday, September 6, 2019 at 9:45 am in room 251 ( Hands-on experience with the platform can be gained at OD-OS booth no. 210.
Clinical studies show that the unique retina navigation platform makes treatments precise, effective and comfortable. 3
Prof. Albert Augustin, Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe: “Our experience in everyday clinical practice shows that the treatment with Navilas® is much faster and, based on this, reduces the number of laser sessions, so that we can cope better with the steadily growing number of patients. Our patients report less pain than with conventional lasers.”
“As therapists, we value, among other things, the targeted spot planning with defined spacing. This increases safety during focal treatments and supports secure closure of foramina even in the far periphery.”
Dr. Winfried Teiwes, Managing Director of OD-OS GmbH: “The all-digital Navilas® 577s is the next generation platform after conventional slit-lamp lasers. Navilas® brings the degree of digital control, comfort and transparency to retinal laser treatment that doctors are already used to from front-of-the-eye treatments. Thanks to Navilas® unique imaging, tracking and navigation, doctors now can focus on the medical aspects of treating the retina with confidence.”
To learn more about the all-digital workflow of Navilas® 577s and the capability to easily generate digital reports watch this video:
About OD-OS: OD-OS GmbH is a privately-held medical device company founded in 2008 with offices in Teltow, Germany, and Irvine, CA.
For further information, please contact: Stefanie Gehrke, Director Marketing |, +49 (172) 3808 537
OD-OS GmbH | Warthestr. 21 | 14513 Teltow | Germany

Navilas 577s - the only navigated retina laser