Navilas® Summer School 2023

Also this year we held our Navilas® Summer School. The summer school program on navigated retinal therapy is designed for ophthalmologists specializing in retina care including those pursuing their education in this field.

Please watch the recordings via the links below. 

What will you learn?

  • Session 1: Navigated Yellow Subthreshold Micropulsing Laser in Pachychoroid Spectrum Disorders watch recording
  • Session 2: Mastering the Art of Non-Contact Navigated Retinopexy: Essential Tips for Everyday Practice  watch recording
  • Session 3: Digital navigation in retinal laser treatment - with case study retinal tear treatment  watch recording
  • Session 4: Understanding differences in planning subthreshold laser treatments - using Navigate App as a research tool watch recording

Session 1: Navigated Yellow Subthreshold Micropulsing Laser in Pachychoroid Spectrum Disorders 

Presenter: Dr. Claudio Iovino M.D., University degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy
Duration: app. 30 min.

Watch recording

Session 2: Mastering the Art of Non-Contact Navigated Retinopexy: Essential Tips for Everyday Practice 

Presenter: Oleg Parkhomenko MD, PhD, Ophthalmological clinic “New Vision”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Watch recording


Session 3: Digital navigation in retinal laser treatment - with case study retinal tear treatment 

Presenter: Dr. med Georg Spital, Augenzentrum am St Franziskus Hospital, Münster, Germany
Duration: app. 20 min.

Watch recording

Session 4: Understanding differences in planning subthreshold laser treatments - using Navigate App as a research tool

With Call to participate 

Presenters: Dr. Jay Chhablani, University of Pittsburgh, USA,  Dr. Eugene Ng (Institute of Eye Surgery and UPMC Ireland and Ulrike Rahn, OD-OS GmbH

Watch recording 


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